Hasta las Supercomputadoras, son manejadas por Linux! Caso Cray-1!

Es súper interesante y acogedor saber que nuestro querido sistema Linux, se encuentra en multitud de aplicaciones desde PCs, notebooks, celulares, autos, y hasta en Supercomputadoras.

Son los mismos creadores de la famosa Cray-1 (foto), ahora con otras más poderosas!

Cray XE, puede manejar 500.000 procesadores gracias al Cray Linux Environment



Hay que ver las características que tiene:


Cray Linux® Environment

Cray XC series systems utilize the Cray Linux Environment (CLE). CLE is a suite of high performance software that includes a Linux-based operating system designed to run large, complex applications and scale efficiently to more than 500,000 processor cores. The Linux environment features a compute kernel that can be configured to match different workloads. When running highly scalable custom applications, the compute nodes can be run in a lightweight mode, ensuring that operating system services do not interfere with application scalability. This design ensures virtually nothing stands between your scalable application and your hardware.



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